RELAXIUM® Sleep is the Only Drug-Free Sleep Aid Developed by a
Clinical Neurologist. Claim Your Trial Now!


If You Struggle with Sleep Problems, read some of the letters I get everyday about the amazing benefits of Relaxium® Sleep. Here are just a few of my favorites:

I have been taking the Relaxium® Sleep for about 3 weeks now.
This past year I was diagnosed w/the recent strain of the Flu (I take the shot every yr) & Pleurisy. Altho, I had severe pain for months, cough & fatigue, I continued to slow down more & more, as well as memory problems.
My energy level has been like a snails pace for the past year. I didn’t want to get out of bed when the alarm went off at 4:15 am & as I slowly got up & moved really slow, it would take me an hr or so to sort-of wake up. By 10:00 am I was beat & after about 2:00 pm the same day I could hardly hold my eyes open & we are busy at work. Had trouble concentrating & remembering things at work. Some nights I would have to take a nap after I get home at 4:30 pm. Then I would have trouble going to sleep. Then still wake up a couple to several times a night to go to the bathroom & not go right back to sleep. I would spend my entire weekends resting/sleeping. I knew this was not normal.
After ordering your product… I noticed a slight change the first morning, but I just shrugged it off. I did get up more quickly, feeling refreshed & it got better as the days & weeks went by. After about 1 week I noticed more energy & after the 2nd week noticed more alert at work. This past week my husband would say to me, as we were walking the mall, to “SLOW DOWN!” I have so much more energy now. I don’t have to take naps after work, nor on the weekends anymore!
It works for me! Thank you all involved and keep up the great work!
I have been a great advocate for you & will continue to do so. You may use any of this e-mail as a testimonial.
Thank you again.
DiAnne Godwin
Sarasota, FL

“As a physician and scientist, I am pleased to give my support to the American Behavioral Research Institute and Dr. Ciliberti for the level of quality of their Relaxium® line of products.”

– Dr. Dana Flavin M.D., Former Asst. to the Assoc. Bureau Director Toxicology - FDA

“I am pleased to inform you that the biochemical / herbal composition of “Relaxium® Sleep” and “Relaxium® Calm” accomplish a safe, non-toxic, naturally calm state of mind without side effects. Adherence to the cGMP regulations assures that Relaxium® Sleep and Relaxium® Calm meet established specifications for identity, purity, strength, composition according to Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations enforced by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 21 CFR 111”

– Dr. E.K. Schandl, M.S., Ph.D., M.D. (M.A.), FACB

“My doctors told me it was just a matter of time for them to find the right solution for me. But when I confessed I was taking a Drug-Free formula — they were shocked. And get this… One doctor even told me he “didn’t think anything would work for me” — so whatever I am doing KEEP IT UP! At 47, I will tell you I got my life back, thanks to Relaxium® Sleep.”

– Caroline W., Photographer & Mother of 2

“I have been using Relaxium® Sleep for about 6 months now and WOW! Since the first day I took Relaxium® Sleep, I started sleeping better. I fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more refreshed. That alone is enough for me. But I also find that my mind seems calmer and my ability to focus on work projects is markedly improved. I would highly recommend this product.”

– Bruce M., Entrepreneur

“This product has changed my life. I am easily able to handle my workload all though the day and act logically and not react emotionally, act out, or bite back at the people I love the most out of constant sleep deprivation. I also love taking Relaxium® Sleep every night because it’s not just something that knocks me out but it’s something my body actually needs.“

– Adelle E. Beauty Consultant & Xander’s Mom

“Being in the nutraceutical business I have tried all Drug-Free solutions, but nothing worked! And I definitely didn’t want to go back to taking what I used to, as I know it’s habit-forming. So a Big Thank You Dr. Ciliberti for helping me to sleep! I can really tell you, I have never slept better in my life since taking Relaxium® Sleep.”

– Ada L. deQ., Executive

“Within an hour after taking Relaxium® Sleep, I feel an overwhelming calmness. I can finally turn off my mind after a busy day at the office, and fall asleep easy. Also what I’m noticing that the longer I take Relaxium® Sleep the better I feel during the day. My energy level is up, my mind is sharp. I am much more productive. This product is incredible.”

– Michael C., CEO

“When I first took Relaxium® Sleep I went to bed at 12.30. I woke up at 7.30 in the morning. Now that’s 7 hours. I can’t remember the last time I slept 7 solid hours. It was really a genesis for me to get 7 hours of sleep and look and say, Oh My God I am seeing daylight when I’m awake. I never do that. This product is remarkable.”

– Philip G., Entrepreneur

“Relaxium® Sleep just simply allows me to turn off all the anxious thoughts and fall asleep. When I wake up I feel calm and know that I’m going to have a really really good day.”

– Stephanie T., Sales Executive

“I am a skeptic, but my wife was taking Relaxium® Sleep and she told me it worked real well for her. So I tried it myself. It really works amazing. It is a great feeling to wake up rested and not feeling tired or feeling groggy and have a hangover. I would recommend Relaxium® Sleep to everyone who has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep and is looking for a Drug-Free solution that actually works.”

– Victor M., Retired

I'm a Customer For Life

"This is my first time to write to a company regarding their product but really wanted to write this review so other people could know just how well Relaxium® Sleep works. I have spent my whole life dealing with sleep issues and I am quite sure that I have tried everything on the market. For the first time in years, I'm getting a full night's sleep! I can function as a normal human again. Please don't stop making this amazing product!"

Lauren Olivier
Portland, Oregon

Stress free with Relaxium® Sleep

"Relaxium® Sleep, I'm a grad student and was stressed out of my mind until my friend offered some of your sleep supplement to me. Wow! It really works and now I can concentrate on my work! Thanks a million!!"

Taylor Thompson
Nashville, TN

Twin Toddlers and a Newborn!

"Without saying my sleep schedule was totally off! Even when I had help with my twins and newborn, I wasn't able to relax enough to sleep. Relaxium® has saved my life....really! I can take Relaxium® about an hour before I lie down and I'm out for a deep, long sleep. Now I can be a better Mother and I can't thank you enough for this wonderful product."

Courtney Allred
Montgomery, Al

Sleep On Demand

"My accounting business was booming and I needed stay up late to finish related projects: then go to sleep on demand because I would only have 5-6 hours possibly before I needed to start all over again. I found myself so wired that sleep eluded me. My Mother sent me her Relaxium® Sleep and it has me asleep in 30 minutes. My head is clear and focused and my energy is back. Appreciate your product to say the least!"

Mike Cain
CPA, Kalamazoo, MI

Was Skeptical; Now Grateful!

"My Grandson, who is nineteen and autistic couldn't sleep at night. They tell us that is something that goes along with the disorder. We had ask the Doctor for something Drug-Free to give him and of course, he only wanted to write a prescription. He is on so many meds already that I decided to find something Drug-Free myself. I saw your offer and was skeptical but was more desperate so I took a chance and I'll be forever glad that I did. He is sleeping so much better and his behavior has improved tremendously. Here is a grateful Grandmother giving thanks!!!"

Deanna Buford
Tallahassee, FL

Super Sleep Product

"I am a super satisfied customer------everything you said about Relaxium® Sleep is true! Thanks"

David Huell
Chicago, Il

Our Amazon Customer Reviews

Really good product, quick shipping, well-packaged. Thank you!

–patricia knapple

Was able to get off Benadryl to sleep at night after using it for over 25 years

–Linda Shaw

Works great, only need to take half the regular dose and it has no side affects.

–Glen Robinson

Great product best on market

–Glen Robinson

Liked product – helps to relax and fall asleep easier at bedtime. will buy again

–Joan MacVicar


–jorge cubas

good service

–Jessica Edrington

arrived on time, good service

–Michelle Edrington

A good product for me. I’ve had better sleep with Relaxium®. I’ve reordered many times.

–Martha Wiedle

This is the only sleep aid that really helped me. I recommend that a person with sleep issues give it a try.

–Martha Wiedle

Excellent over the counter sleep aid. It gives a good night’s sleep and no drowsiness in the morning.

–Margaret Stalker


–Connie Brackett

A+ Thanks!

–Susan Drulias

Product does as it described, body and mind relaxed and calms for a better sleep.

–Janet Johnson

it came fast

–Dean W Latterell

Fast shipping. Item as described.

–Kelly Harvey

works well; sleep well!

–Robert M. Burke

I’ve had prescription sleep meds that make you feel groggy the next day. Relaxium® is a safer and more pleasant effect. Hopefully it will be the same with you, whoever...

–Earl Christopher Macey

This product really works. My sleep has improved. I would definitely recommend this if you have tried everything and are still having trouble sleeping.

–mamie lipari


–Sharon Welch

It really works!

–margaret esfahani

Everything went great


puts you right to sleep

–charles r. wigington

OK. Along with some Melatonin I relax and go to sleep faster than I did before.

–Jerry Brownfield

Helps me fall to sleep and stay asleep!

–Kathleen D. Ballantine

work great

–charles r. wigington


–Robert Cloutier

quick shipping thanks

–thomas ackley

thanks amazon

–Jim Rader, Sr.

This product seems to hep a little with sleep!

–Jenny Craig

It works amazingly!

–Connie Brackett



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